

I’m sure this scenario is familiar to many parents of high school students: your teen年龄r needs something from their backpack, 打开它, 当他们拉开拉链的时候, KA-BLAMO! 废纸的爆炸, 吃了一半的零食, 错误的书写工具, 随机的漂浮物和垃圾从内部爆发出来. 然后,一旦找到了搜索项, odds are the rest of the stuff gets shoved back in and zippered up to await the next explosion.

“Effective organizational behaviors can make the difference between competent and inefficient school performance,博士写道。. 梅尔·莱文在他的书中写道, 教育医疗. 有许多不同的大脑功能涉及组织-时间排序, 空间顺序, 工作记忆, 注意力和执行功能的许多方面, 举几个例子——如果这些领域中的任何一个出现了“故障”, 组织可能会受到影响. 许多学生(和许多成年人)的神经系统天生就没有组织能力. 有趣的是, often the very same neurological mechanisms that can lead to disorganization also lead to some very positive things, 比如创造力和创新思维/解决问题的能力.

没有条理的学生经常因为他们的“粗心”而受到批评, 并将他们缺乏组织能力视为长期的缺点. It is important to note that most kids aren’t disorganized on purpose — that organization is actually a skill many students need to be explicitly taught.

在我的学校生活中,有三种主要类型的混乱. 第一, 物料管理, is very common and the most recognized type of organizational issue (I’m sure you can still visualize the backpack disaster described in the opening of this post). 管理不善的学生经常丢东西, 不知道该带什么书回家, 工作场所不整洁, 不要使用作业本. These kids may spend a great deal of time getting set up to do work (searching for a pencil, 寻找阅读材料). 和, 一旦作业完成, they may stash it in a totally illogical place in their backpack or on their Google Drive and then not be able to find it the next day.

时间管理 在高中生中是否还有另一种常见的混乱类型. Kids with weak time man年龄ment aren’t able to predict how long an assignment should take, 可能会把大项目拖到最后一刻, 不知道怎么把它们拆成更小的, 更易于管理的块. 他们可能总是在完成任务时迟到, 也会因为忘记时间而迟到. 这些孩子往往会拖延,然后被他们的工作量压垮. A common adult response to this type of disorganization is exasperation (as the student seems to accomplish so little), 这些孩子经常给自己贴上“懒惰”的标签.”

最后,许多学生纠结于 信息组织这可能很难理解. 当这些孩子阅读或听到复杂的信息时, they may well understand the content but they lack an internal mechanism to categorize and store the facts and data in their memory — sort of like a memory filing system. They take information in as a big gestalt which makes retrieving the information later extremely difficult. 弱的信息组织导致忘记(或不知道)做作业, 对计划的评估感到惊讶, 也不记得要去哪里. 有这种困难的学生常常不知道如何学习, 或者如何处理任何复杂的任务. It can also greatly impact academic output; for example, students with this type of disorganization may feel overwhelmed by the process of writing, 不知道该包括什么,不该包括什么, 他们写的东西要详细说明多少, 以及如何将随机的想法和信息连贯地拼凑在一起.

好消息是,即使是最混乱的学生也有希望! Learning strategies and structures to help keep disorganization from impacting academic achievement is important — not only for life at Solebury, 高中毕业后的生活也是如此. 一般来说, folks who aren’t wired to be organized will likely always have to be deliberate in their organizational attempts. 然而,对于无组织的学生来说,并没有一刀切的“治疗方法”, there are many things parents can do to help their children learn organizational strategies. 这里有一些:

  • 他们是否建立了一个井然有序的工作空间. Location is important — often a bedroom is not the optimal place for effective studying due to the amount of distractions. 无论空间在哪, 他们应该给它配备书写用具, 纸, 便签纸, a glass of water — anything that might help make it easier for the student to launch into actual work.

  • Large wall or desk calendars can be a great tool in helping them to man年龄 their assignments. Students should get in the habit of writing daily assignments in a planner (as opposed to relying on a Moodle/Google Classroom check every time they sit down to work), 但它也有帮助,有一个每月的日历,以规划什么时候到期, 哪一个更能说明问题. 这可以让学生为更大的作业制定一个有效的计划, 看看什么时候不同的班级会有堆积如山的作业要交.

  • 我非常喜欢使用清单(清单宣言是一本必读的书!). 每次你的孩子坐下来工作, they should create a checklist of what needs to get done (HINT: always start with the hardest or least fun task). 一旦列出并确定了优先级,工作量通常会立即变得更容易管理. 检查完成的任务也很令人满意. My daily checklists always start with “make today’s checklist” so I get to check something off right away! It is also helpful to have students estimate how long each task on the list is expected to take, 帮助他们建立时间管理意识.

  • Students who struggle to keep their school materials organized can feel embarrassed or exasperated with the state of their binders and notebooks. 这有助于鼓励他们每周日留出时间, 在新学期开始之前, 让事情有条理. They should take the loose 纸s and find them all a home (can they live in a file in their room? 它们能被回收吗?? 应该打三个孔,夹在活页夹里吗? 也可能是上周就该交给老师的!). 把铅笔插在他们的箱子里. 确保计划者尽可能及时地完成任务. 一切井然有序地开始新的一周感觉很棒, 知道在哪里找到需要的东西. 也有很多技术可以帮助组织. 网络规划者, 用于创建时间表的应用程序, 闹钟和计时器, 屏蔽干扰的应用程序, and even effective use of GoogleDocs (which needs to be organized into folders as well) can really assist the disorganized student.

好吧, 忏悔时间:对我来说, helping to turn the opening paragraph’s nightmarish attack-of-the-killer-backpack into a tidy, 有序的, 高效的学习工具是我最喜欢做的事情之一. 韦德娱乐app下载地址’s Learning Specialists are all well versed in helping students navigate the path towards getting organized, 所以如果你想讨论更多的家庭策略, 或者我们还能做些什么来帮助韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的学生, 请 不要犹豫,伸出援手!


Kristy Raska joined 韦德娱乐app下载地址 as the Learning Skills Department Head in August 2018 and expanded her role to become the Director of Student Support and Wellness in 2022. 在索莱伯里之前, 她是布鲁克林保利预科国家走读学校的学习支持主任, 在纽约待了10年.