
Experience has taught us that world langu年龄 programs differ greatly from school to school. Students often come to us needing to repeat a level of foreign langu年龄 study; sometimes they are able to skip a year. To foresee either of these issues (and avoid any scheduling issues that this might create), students will need to take the placement test to enter the appropriate level as soon as possible.

If you want to enter a class above level I, you must take a placement exam. If you intend to enroll in French I or Spanish I, there is no need to take an exam. 在Lingt网站上, choose the exam for the level you wish to enter (if you want to enroll in French II, 参加法语二级考试), and please enter your first and last name when prompted. The exams are designed to take approximately 30 minutes and may involve listening, 说话, 阅读, 写部分. Please note that you cannot save your work and return to the test, although you can take as much time as you need.

All tests must be taken with no outside help, including dictionaries, translators, books, or notes. Using outside help on your placement exam will cause you to be placed in a level which does not match your ability, which will result in a very difficult year for you and/or a mid-year switch into the correct level.

If you have questions, please contact 世界语言 Chair Helen Matthews at